Home Learning

At Diamond Creek Primary School we call homework, Home Learning. This is because we believe the tasks provided for children to complete at home are a purposeful extension to the children’s learning, not just more work for them to do.

When it comes to Home learning we endeavour to promote lifelong learning and connect families with what their child is learning at school. Meaningful home learning is a great way to promote real-life problem solving, logical thinking, creativity and imagination. We are also very realistic and believe it is important to have a balance between home learning provided and sufficient time for family and recreation activities.

When it comes to Home learning we endeavour to promote lifelong learning and connect families with what their child is learning at school.

The approach we take is varied across the school, and depends on the learning needs of each individual child, class and year level. The Home Learning material is linked to what each child is learning in class, so that parents can enjoy definite links with their child’s learning journey throughout the school year.

There are a variety of different learning opportunities when it comes to Home Learning ranging from reading with your child for enjoyment in the younger years, to completing inquiry projects in the senior years. Each year level outlines home learning expectations at the start of the year and we regularly monitor our approach based on feedback from teachers, students and our parents and carers.


  • Home Learning benefits students by complementing classroom learning, fostering life-long study habits and providing an opportunity for students to be responsible for their own learning.


  • To support, consolidate and extend classroom learning.
  • To develop positive study habits.
  • To develop a responsibility for self-learning.
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