About Us

Our Vision

Diamond Creek Primary School sets a clear vision that places students at the centre and embraces high quality, effective learning and teaching as its core purpose.
All members of our school community share a collective responsibility towards maintaining a positive, inclusive social environment. We actively work to listen to and empower all children and are committed to promoting cultural safety for Aboriginal children, cultural safety for children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, and to providing a safe environment for children with a disability.

School Ethos

The Diamond Creek Primary School ethos is centred on the four school values of Respect,
Cooperation, Persistence and (Striving for) Excellence. These values form the heart for all aspects of
school ‘life’ and apply to and permeate all areas of the community, including students, parents, staff
and the broader, extended community.

Core Values

As a school community we commit to a continuous improvement process for devising, introducing,
implementing, consolidating and evaluating instructional and school management practices.
Regular evaluation processes will be in place to measure performance in all areas of the school with
respect to the implementation of the school’s vision and strategic improvement initiatives.

Our Mission

All students will be given the opportunity for individual development in a supportive learning environment that encourages positive self-esteem, resilience, personal excellence and uniqueness. We aim to optimize students’ social, emotional, physical and academic outcomes. Students will be provided with opportunities to develop decision-making, problem solving and critical thinking skills as they develop social competencies as active citizens.

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