Camping Program

The camping program at Diamond Creek Primary School aims to encourage independence, enhance
social skills, promote decision making and develop self-awareness. Our camping program builds on
skills and experiences from year to year. All students have many fond memories from each of the
different camps that they bring home and share with their families.

The basics of our camping program begins at the Foundation level:

Students arrive at 8:00am on a special outdoor camping day where they enjoy breakfast at school
followed by a camping activity program for the day with the rest of the Junior School Students.

Grade 1
Students participate in the camping activity program for the day and then after a short trip home
they return for a dinner and fun activities until 7:30pm

Grade 2
Students participate in the camping activity program for the day. They come back to school late
afternoon to share in a dinner with the grade 1 students. After the grade 1 students leave, the grade
2’s remain at school to spend the night with their friends and teachers.

Grade 3 and 4
Students attend a 2 night, 3 day camp at both Queenscliff and Phillip Island (alternating camp sites).
At these camps they participate in activities such as The Giant Swing, Flying Fox, Circotron and much,
much more.

Grade 5 and 6
Students attend a 3 night, 4 day camp at both Alexandra and Woorabinda. (alternating camp sites) .
At Alexandra they are involved in activities such as the High Ropes Course, Kiwi Swing and Raft
Making. At Woorabinda they participate in a variety of environmental learning activities and
sustainability whilst experiencing what it is like on working farm.


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