Supporting Wellbeing and Inclusion
All students are supported within the classrooms and the yard to reach their full potential. Teachers provide individualised support for all students based on their academic, physical, social and emotional learning needs. Within the classroom supports include; flexible seating, fidgets, sensory equipment, assisted technology and much more.
Within the school yard many students face challenges when engaging in social interactions and unstructured play. We actively support and work alongside students to minimise these barriers by providing a range of social groups and activities. Research shows that students are best able to thrive in terms of their learning and wellbeing when they are feeling calm and have a strong sense of belonging.
Our whole school wellbeing programs are designed to foster a strong sense of connectedness between peers, with staff and the wider community. Students across the school are explicitly taught to recognise and express their emotions using the Zones of Regulation. Staff support students to utilise a range of strategies to assist with re-regulation including brain breaks, movement breaks and meditation.
To further support students to re-regulate all classrooms have a calm corner and our Wellbeing coordinators are also available to support students in our Wellbeing space. Together all of these strategies provide our students with the support they need to positively engage in all aspects of school life. The result of having a consistent whole school approach is that our classrooms and yard is a calm and orderly environment.
Our students are further supported by our Wellbeing co-ordinator and Disability Inclusion co-ordinator who work in close partnership with students, families and allied health specialists to support students to thrive in terms of their wellbeing and learning. This includes identifying students who benefit from working in small groups with a focus on explicitly teaching skills related to their social and emotional learning. These small groups draw on the expertise of our staff as well as the Happy Healthy Kids and Rock and Water Programs.

(Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness)
Our DC GEMs Program focuses on Social and Emotional Learning. We have combined our school values with the essence of the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships Program, the Resilience Project, School Wide Positive Behaviours and Visible Wellbeing, to produce a broad and robust program for social and emotional development, which improves our students’ wellbeing, social and academic outcomes.
Our DC GEMs Program empowers our students to lead healthy, happy and successful lives by developing the necessary skills and tools. By incorporating the key ideals and strategies surrounding Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness (G.E.M.) we aim to build strong minds leading to happy and resilient students.
Through our DC GEMs Program we endeavour to enable our students to make informed and positive social behaviour choices. They explore their emotional literacy, personal strengths, stress and anxiety management, positive coping and problem-solving strategies, and importantly learn about help-seeking and positive relationship building.
Within our classrooms, our students participate in activities which develop strategies to support their physical, emotional and mental well-being. This is achieved through many different strategies, including group discussions, thought provoking reflections and the sharing of ideas in a safe and respectful environment.
Ultimately, enabled through our DC GEMs Program, we want all of our students to be their best, and to be happy.