
Our Literacy program follows a structured and evidence-based approach that focuses on building students’ speaking, listening, reading, writing and thinking skills.
Reading instruction at Diamond Creek Primary School is based around the explicit teaching of five essential skills – phonemic awareness, systematic phonics, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. Students are supported to develop their decoding ability through the use of decodable readers, progressing to more complex texts as their knowledge and skills develop.
In our spelling program students are taught to identify sounds, syllables and units of meaning (e.g. prefixes, roots and suffixes) within words. These skills are taught in conjunction with developing an understanding of the many spelling rules which are applied in the English language.
In Writing, students are explicitly taught the ‘building blocks’ of good writing – ideas, organisation, voice, sentence fluency, word choice, conventions and presentation. Students are engaged in all parts of the writing process, including planning, drafting, editing and publishing. Students also explore the systems and structures of language through instruction in grammar and syntax.
Speaking and Listening is embedded across all areas of the curriculum. Effective communication in both expressive and receptive language are essential skills for all students and fundamental in the acquisition of literacy skills. Students develop these skills through formal and informal classroom activities, including Reader’s Theatre, presentations and role plays.

The Mathematics program at Diamond Creek follows the current research into developing students’ mathematical mindsets and enhancing their mathematical understanding, knowledge and skills. Our whole school approach to the teaching of Mathematics provides students with daily fluency practice and opportunities to apply their mathematical understanding and skills to a range of hands on and real-world contexts.
Our classrooms focus on developing foundational knowledge and number sense through multi-sensory learning, explicit teaching and number-based games.
A walk through our classrooms during maths lessons shows our students' enthusiasm and engagement in Mathematics with lots of chatter, games and creating models which represent their understanding.

STEAM is an educational approach to learning that integrates the five areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics. This cross-disciplinary approach emphasises a high level of student exploration, problem solving, critical and creative thinking and collaborative learning.
At Diamond Creek Primary School, students participate in a weekly, one hour STEAM session with our STEAM specialist teacher for half a year.
STEAM learning requires skills such as teamwork, problem-solving and perseverance as the students work through each activity. These sessions are very hands-on and engaging and support students in implementing these skills in their day to day lives. A feature of the program is the use of robotics, through the use of Bee Bots, Edison Robots, Spheros, Drones Lego and coding software.

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is a well-resourced area at Diamond Creek Primary School. The ICT program encompasses the Digital Technologies Curriculum where students become confident and creative developers of digital solutions. Students from F-4 have access to iPads and Netbooks, and we run a BYOD 1:1 iPad program in grades 5/6.
​Complementing our ICT program is an ongoing focus on Cyber Safety. Each year level participates in a program designed to educate students about how to stay safe online. Diamond Creek Primary School is proud to be a fully accredited part of the eSmart community led by the Alannah and Madeline Foundation, which encourages regular reviews of Cyber safety protocols.

Children at DCPS learn the Italian language from Foundation to year 6.
In the junior grades the curriculum is based on Italian literature, songs and rhymes. We learn simple conversation, body parts, colours and numbers.
In the middle and senior grades we focus on Italian culture, interviewing skills, oral presentations, role playing and our learning moves away from using single words, to the stringing together of words to make sentences and then paragraphs. We aim to provide experiences that promote the reading, writing, speaking and listening of the Italian language.
We pride ourselves in preparing students for wonderful Italian learning in Secondary School.

Physical education
The Physical Education Program at Diamond Creek Primary School has a strong focus on developing the knowledge and skills to live a healthy and active lifestyle through involvement in physical activity.
Students participate in Physical Education lessons for one hour each week. The program strives to equip and develop students’ fundamental motor skills and progress these skills into more sport-specific activities.
The Physical Education curriculum exposes students to wide range of different activities and sports. Within each lesson there is a focus on skill development and application of these skills during game situations. Each activity strongly emphasises fair play, teamwork and the Diamond Creek Primary School values.
In addition to the PE program at Diamond Creek Primary School, students in grades 3-6 have the opportunity to participate in a range of House and District sporting carnivals, including swimming, cross country and athletics. Students can qualify and proceed to district, region and state carnivals.
Interschool sport
Students in grades 4-6 participate in weekly summer and winter interschool sport with the Diamond Valley Primary Schools Sport Association.
Summer sports include Rounders, Basketball, Hot shots tennis, Volleyball and Kanga Cricket.
Winter sports include Soccer, AFL, Softball and Netball.
Diamond Creek offers an opportunity for all year levels to participate in a 5 session comprehensive swimming program, with all students encouraged to participate in swimming program to improve their stroke efficiency and their water safety and awareness.

Performing arts
At DCPS, we run a well-balanced Performing Arts program encompassing the areas of Dance, Music, and Drama. We strive to create a safe and enjoyable space where children can confidently explore these areas regardless of experience.
In our Junior Years Program, we focus on developing an understanding of rhythm, pitch (high and low), dynamics (loud and soft) and tempo (fast and slow) in music. Children use their voices and percussion instruments to experiment with and explore these concepts. In Drama, children develop their ability to use movement, gestures and expression to communicate emotions and stories. In Dance, children explore the different styles of dance, the ways their body can move, and the impact of music and emotion on movement with a focus on safe dance practice.
In our Senior Years Program, we focus on further developing their understanding of rhythm, sound, and composition through the use of Boomwhackers, tuned percussion instruments and bucket drums. In Drama, children explore the concepts of storytelling, character development and communication in dramatic action through common dramatic styles such as mime, physical theatre, melodrama, and improvisation. In Dance, children further develop their ability to explore and incorporate different styles of dance with a focus on safe dance practice. They also develop their understanding of how different dance styles and music impact the ways their bodies can move and create movement.
We incorporate a focus on exploring the role of Performing Arts in Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander cultures. Children learn traditional Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander songs, view and respond to traditional dances as well as pieces from professional dance organisations such as Bangarra Dance Theatre.
Our program is complemented with a dance concert every second year, which alternates with our involvement in the Victorian State School Spectacular Massed Choir. We hold our Christmas Carol Evening annually and offer private music tuition run through the Junior Rockers Program.

Visual arts
The Art program at Diamond Creek Primary School offers a wide range of activities and opportunities to develop skills. Over the year children are given age appropriate experiences that cover all the elements of an art program. Children draw, paint, build and construct 3D structures using a variety of materials, model using clay, create mosaics and work with fabrics.
Children work with wire, paper, plaster…the list is long. Our aim is to provide students with new skills and experiences that foster the child’s creativity and build personal self-esteem. Above all else lessons are fun and the Art room is a wonderful, creative and imaginative place to be!